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Thank you Healthy U volunteers!

This was my first year coordinating and working within the Healthy U program. I was excited at first. The idea of providing education on such necessary topics and topics in which I have a passion for seemed fitting. Then I began working with Healthy U, the coordinators, and volunteers. My excitement immediately transitioned into curiosity and inspiration. Of course, I was still excited to provide learning opportunities in the health and wellness field, however, I quickly realized this was only half of the role. To my surprise and pleasure, I was able to work with a group of volunteers who not only demonstrated their existing knowledge and willingness to learn but their passion of helping their student peers.

Have you ever worked with a group of people whose motivation not only pushed them forward but truly inspired you to ask more questions, dive deeper into the topic and create connection? I have, and let me tell you, it has been a pleasure.

Working with our Healthy U volunteers this year has taught me three things:

1) Curiosity + creativity = opportunity. Opportunity to learn, teach, and grow both individually and as a collective.

2) Taking the step outside of your comfort zone with topics you may be unfamiliar with or experience various perspectives on- can allow you to question your existing knowledge and test yourself.

3) To succeed, you do not need to be an expert in everything. Rather, you need to be willing to be vulnerable to a new topic, create together and accept the uncomfortable.

I want to personally thank the Healthy U volunteers of this year for not only accepting me into the program but for teaching me more than I could have imagined.

It has been a pleasure!

Bryanna Barker, RPN Health and Wellness Educator


My sincerest thank you to the volunteers of the HU Program for a wonderful year! I have learned so much from each and every one of you! This was a challenging year for the UM community, and perhaps some of the other communities you belong to. We faced global conflict and the hardships that come along with this, disruptions to classes and programs in the fall term, and the continued challenges stemming from a global pandemic. Despite all of this, each of you brought your love, dedication, and passion to the program. All that you brought with you contributed to enriching conversations and meaningful work.

Wishing you all the best this summer and beyond!

With gratitude,

Kayla Tessier, MSW, RSW

Coordinator of the HU Program


I want to share a big "thank you!" for the volunteers of the Healthy U program. It has been wonderful for me to learn and grow with all of you over the past year. Thank you for all the energy, work, and passion you have brought to the program. You are what makes the Healthy U program magic ✨

Here are some lessons that you have taught me over the past year:

  • It is okay to not have the answer to everything

  • Spend time with family and the people close to you, make them know they are cherished

  • The process of creating something and putting your energy into it is more important than a perfect end-product

  • If you find yourself always being the bigger person, why do you spend time with such small people?

  • Let other people help you with your work – you do not need to do everything!

I will continue to reflect on these teachings and use them in my life – thank you.

It is time for you to relax! Take some time for yourself this summer to pause, reflect, and check in with yourself. This is your reminder to practice self-care, self-compassion, and patience.

Take care and best of luck with things!


Romeo, Health and Wellness Program Assistant


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