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Last Year Was Rough, this is How I Plan to Make this Year Better

As a fifth-year student at the U of M, one would assume I have figured out the best way to succeed at this university game, but in fact I find myself learning new things each year. Whether it’s finding new study spots, different classes, innovative learning methods, or even meeting new people, I always look forward to what the new school year brings.

I’m a firm believer that writing things I want to get accomplished allows me to be accountable and get them done.

So here are my goals for the 2021-2022 school year:

1. Drink at least 10 cups of water a day

2. Don’t fall behind in class (study a little bit everyday)

3. Try 1 new restaurant a month

4. Find a form of exercise that I enjoy

5. Connect more with my community

I recognize that my goals this year aren’t elaborate and over the top, but I don’t think they need to be. Setting small, attainable goals and working on a few at a time is a way that I can ensure I don’t overwhelm myself and I can stay motivated.

To make this list more manageable, I find it helpful to break down each goal into smaller goals. I might choose to begin by bringing a water bottle with me while running errands or starting with 6 cups and working my way up to 10.

I challenge you to write down 5 goals you hope to achieve in the next year and figure out a plan to get there. I’m hopeful that this year will bring exciting new changes for all of us!

For more information on the benefits of goal setting, check this out article:


About the Author

Trevena (She/Her)

Hello! This is my first year as a Healthy U volunteer and the last year of my BSc Microbiology major with a minor in Biology. I’m very excited to build more connections in the university community, as well as expanding my knowledge on various health topics.

If I’m not studying, you can usually find me watching a new TV series, painting, or hanging out with friends!


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